Discovery Procedures for Building Effective Management Systems

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

Discovery Procedures

Think of this phase as allrepparttar thingsrepparttar 103451 coaching staff does up to and includingrepparttar 103452 first pre-season team meeting. It is whererepparttar 103453 overall missions and goals are set, with clear effectiveness criteria established. Certainlyrepparttar 103454 team may set it sights onrepparttar 103455 championship, but what aboutrepparttar 103456 kicking team or linemen? Each part of your organization must have meaningful and measurable performance criteria mapped out in this phase.

Management Objectives

Establishing objectives and criteria requires close scrutiny by management of what really contributes torepparttar 103457 overall company mission. Departmental goals must be aligned with company goals. To illustrate with our football analogy: running backs may propose a goal of 5,000 total yards rushing in a season. This may or may not be beneficial torepparttar 103458 team goal, whereas an aligned goal might be to achieve an average of +5 yards per run. The latter may be more appropriate for a highly pass-oriented offense.

System Action Plan

In your discovery phase, once your objectives and effectiveness criteria are agreed upon, you can create your action plan. This step is simplyrepparttar 103459 broad roadmap coveringrepparttar 103460 remaining 4 phases of building your management system.

The Discovery Phase generally takes from 2-4 weeks, and represents approximately 12% ofrepparttar 103461 total process.

Planning Procedures Phase

In part two of this series, we will take a look at one ofrepparttar 103462 most critical and also most overlooked phase in building your quality management system –repparttar 103463 Planning Phase.

Chris Anderson is currently the managing director of Bizmanualz, Inc. and co-author of policies and procedures manuals, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance. To learn how to increase your business performance, visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

Conveyor System

Written by Dan Noyes

Continued from page 1

Drivers, pulleys and belts arerepparttar integral components of conveyor systems that facilitate smooth functioning ofrepparttar 103449 operation. Conveyor system either run or power or on gravity.

It is absolutely essential to chooserepparttar 103450 right conveyor system as it is directly related to productivity. What kind of product is to be handled i.e. its weight, form, width, height etc, should always be kept in mind.

Advantages of conveyor system:

Better space usage.

Flexible product routing.

Reduced manual material handling.

Increased production output.

Reliable and cost effective solutions.

Copyright 2005, Dan Noyes I write articles for , which proved used pallet racks, conveyors systems and other used or new industrial warehouse equipments.

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